All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract AbstractAutomaticOCModel class.
Bending magnet has three dynamical values, the values that are changed as current changes.
This magnet has calibration.
AbstractCorrector steers magnet, which gives kick to the beam, specified by the angle.
Basic abstract element for all DataBush elements.
AbstractMagnetCalculator implements IMagnetCalculatorModel and extends its functionality.
AbstractMagnetElement represent element that generate quasi-static magnet field.
This is top level application server abstract class, loads configuration which binds published PV names with underlying functionality, which is same for all OrbitCorrections application servers.
Abstract AbstractOCModel class.
This class is base for all optical elements.
Class that give basic methodes implemented in all inherited class.
Abstract list for holding DataBush elements in DataBush.
Abstract list for all lists containing magnet elements.
Abstract AbstractSVDBasedModel class.
Abstract AbstractSVDOrbitCorrectionModel class.
Transfer elements are all elements that transfer electron beam.
Marks DataBush element class that can be updated.
An abstract adapter class for receiving component events.
ActionReportEvent class.
Aperture is drift space element.
Abstract class on which application should be built.
ApplicationEngine class.
Engine state.
Holds references to data entities and value collections.
View for the application.
This is controller type of class, intance presents active orbit correcction progress.
BendingList class.
BetaMatrix class.
BindedList class.
This class represent beam position monitor.
BPMonitorList class.
Bump3CModel class.
Bump4CModel class.
CalMagnetList class.
Cavity represent cavity.
ClosedOrbitAnalyzerBean class.
CombinedOrbitCorrectionModel class.
An abstract adapter class for receiving component events.
ConnectionReportEvent class.
ControlSystemException is Exception that is thrown when dealing with control system.
Class holding correction information.
CorrectionInstruction is created for particular correction and holds state of correction while and after has been applied.
CorrectorList class.
CorrectorStrengthReductionModel class.
DataBush holds together objects representation of physical view of Control System (CS for short).
An abstract adapter class for receiving events.
DataBushEvent class.
DataBushException is general exception for dealing with DataBush.
DataBushHandler class.
This class presents basic optic configuration parameters and wraps si.ijs.anka.abeans.devices.InfoServerBean.
This exception occurs at initialization.
DatabushPackedException is used to pack together in one exception object more than one exception when complex method is called.
DataBushServerLocal class.
DataPositionComparator is implementation of java.util.Comparator and it is used to compare its two arguments for order.It is used to order storage ring elements, as the beam sees them.They are ordered by the position of that elements.
This class holds DataBush constants.
DBElementDescriptor class.
Initializes DataBush object
This class was generated by a SmartGuide.
Internal class with string constants.
Simulates positions of beam in verical and horizontal plane at BPMonitors.
DefaultBendingCalculator class.
Sets models which calculations are used to calculate energy, field strength, atc.
DefaultControlSystemEngine implements IControlSystemEngine and gives it some functionality.
This is default implementation of ICurrentApplyModel.
This is straightforward implementation of IDataBushReader.
DefaultGenericMagnetCalculator is used to calculate currents from field strengths and vice versa.
DefaultOrbitCorrectionModel class.
Abstract DipoleMatrix class.
This type extends SimpleData and represent machine function dispersion on position.
This list contains elements type DispersionData.
DispersionVector class.
DoubleMatrix class.
DoubleVector class.
DriftMatrix class.
Abstract EAbstractDataConnector class.
EControlSystemEngine class.
EDataConnectorD class.
EDataConnectorDD class.
This class contains DoubleList and therefore collection of SimpleElements.
EmpiricOrbitCorrectionModel class.
This type represent exception that is thrown usually by method, which takes string (key) as argument and do something with this string, if string is suitable.
FastModeAutomaticOC class.
This is top level application server, loads configuration which binds published PV names with underlying functionality.
The FileTokenizer class takes an input stream and parses it into "tokens", allowing the tokens to be read one at a time.
FixBPMsOrbitCorrectionModel class.
FrequencyBeamSimulator class.
FrequencyOrbitCorrectionModel class.
FrequencyTest class.
This is top level application server, loads configuration which binds published PV names with underlying functionality.
This type contain ArrayList and HashMap and enables searching for elements if we know position in list or hash code.
This type represents horizontal corrector.
HorCorrectorList class.
A listener interface receiving DataBush actions.
Marks DataBush element class that can be applied.
IAutomaticOCModel interface.
IBeamSimulator interface.
IBeamTraceProvider interface.
IBendingCalculatorModel interface.
Marks DataBush element class that is connected to Abean.
ICalculatorModelFactory interface.
IConfigurable interface.
A listener interface receiving connection events.
This interface should be implemented by clases that will comunicate with control system (e.g.
ICurrentApplyModel interface.
A listener interface receiving DataBush events.
This is interface for DataBush structure readers.
IDataBushServer interface.
IDataConnector interface.
Push strategy method.
Update strategy enum
IllegalDimensionException class.
IMagnetCalculatorModel interface.
Interface that support reading of arrays of file.
This exception occurs, if data is not consistent.
IOrbitCorrectionListener interface.
General orbit correction model that calculates correction.
IOrientationMarker interface.
Basic interface for elements.
Common OC model for methods involving SVD response matrix decomposition.
IWriteConnector interface.
This type represent kicker magnet.
LinearOpticsCalculatorBean class.
LinkedNode class.
MADInterpreter has the same functionality as DefaultDBReader.
MagnetList class.
This type does not represent the actual element.
NRUtil class.
This list contains elements type AbstractOpticalElement.
Compares two optical elements and orders them by the position.
Orbit is class that incapsulates orbit at some timepoint.
Static part of OrbitCorrection procedure, holds references to models and data, which does not change through correction procedure.
Dynamic part of OrbitCorrection procedure, stores active state of procedure.
Enum for state of operation.
OrbitMonitor class.
Indicates Horizontal or Vertical orientation of data.
Class PolynomialFunction represents polynomial function.It gives methods to create polynomial function and to calculate its values.
This type extends SimpleData and represent any of machine functions (actually alpha or beta), on position.
This list contains elements type PositionedData.
This class represents power supply.
This list contains elements type PowerSupply.
PropertiesReader is used to read input files and return the ElementList of elements in storage ring.
Help handling property change listeners.
Quadrupole is magnetic element that holds mainly quadrupole strength.
QuadrupoleMatrix class.
This type represent rectangular dipole magnet.
RDipoleMatrix class.
Response matrix of closed orbit
ResponseMatrixBumpModel class.
This class represents RF signal generator.
This type represent sector dipole magnet.
SDipoleMatrix class.
This type represents septum.
Holds references to all data entities and value collections.
Sextupole class.
This is class that contains data for some AbstractOpticalElement.
Step based automation model.
SVDMethod class.
Test class.
Test1 class.
TimeBasedAutomaticOC class.
This list contains elements type AbstractTransferElement.
Generic beam transfer matrix.
Class of useful methods, which are printing lists, matrices etc, that are in use in DataBush.
This class
This type represents vertical corrector.
VerCorrectorList class.