Interface IApplyableElement

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBending, AbstractCalibratedMagnet, AbstractCorrector, HorCorrector, Kicker, PowerSupply, Quadrupole, RBending, RFGenerator, SBending, Sextupole, VerCorrector

public interface IApplyableElement
Marks DataBush element class that can be applied. Class has method of type apply*(). Class with this interface is connected to another DataBush element, to which can send it's data. For example, AbstractCalibratedMagnet is connected to PowerSupply and can set current on it.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Sets DataInvalidated flag to true.
    Returns true if element's data is not synchronized with associated element or Abean.
  • Method Details

    • invalidateData

      void invalidateData()
      Sets DataInvalidated flag to true.
      See Also:
    • isDataInvalidated

      boolean isDataInvalidated()
      Returns true if element's data is not synchronized with associated element or Abean. This fag goes to false after update or apply.
      true if element's data is not synchronized with associated element or Abean.