Class HorCorrector

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, ISimpleElement, AbstractUpdateableElement, IApplyableElement

public class HorCorrector extends AbstractCorrector
This type represents horizontal corrector. Correctors helds dipole field and are used to change direction of particle velocity as correction of bending magnets and other errors.
  • Constructor Details

    • HorCorrector

      public HorCorrector(String name)
      Constructs HorCorrector with specified name and default parameter's values.
      name - a String name of abstract corrector
    • HorCorrector

      public HorCorrector(String name, boolean virtual, double position, double relpos, String relFrom, double length, String ps, String calibrationEntry, double angle)
      Constructs the HorCorrector with specified parameters.
      name - a String object
      virtual - a boolean
      position - a double
      relpos - a double
      relFrom - a String object
      length - a double
      ps - a String object
      calibrationEntry - a String object
      angle - a double
  • Method Details