All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, ISimpleElement

public class Marker extends AbstractOpticalElement
This type does not represent the actual element. It is inducted only to one mark position, where we can read machine functions, calculate length from one to another position an so on. It can be placed inside other element. Markers are also often used to marking points of simmetry.
  • Constructor Details

    • Marker

      public Marker(String name)
      Marker constructor, which request only name.
      name - a String object
    • Marker

      public Marker(String name, boolean virtual, double position, double relpos, String relFrom)
      Marker constructor, that request specified parameters:
      name - a String object
      virtual - a boolean
      position - a double
      relpos - a double
      relFrom - a String object
  • Method Details