All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractApplication class.
This is abstract plug class which helps plug implementators write own plug.
Abstract AbstractController class.
Abstract AbstractCyclingApplication class.
Cycling status.
Abstract AbstractValueProcessor class.
ANDValueProcessor class.
Application interface.
ArchiveClient class.
ArchiveCounterApplication class.
ArrayAssemblyApplication class.
Stores last N values of array in ring-buffer kind of store.
This class tries to initialize two parameters: bundle.conf and bundle.home.
CASperr class.
Checks class.
Simple configurable check, that test value against some criteria.
Check condition enumeration.
Utilizes checks with link, obtains remote value and does condition test.
The Command Value Processor is intended for commands or actions, which are triggered from client (e.g.
ConfigurationManager class.
Visitor for hierarchical configuration, used during configuration parsing.
Simple easy to use interface for remote value connection.
Interfaces for simple connection cache, which it is used inside a Connector.
Helper class which helps manage different plug implementations.
CSGet class.
CSScan class.
CSShellProbe class.
Implementation of cycling application, which uses setPV and getPV to implement cycling
CyclingApplicationMaster class.
Enum definition of cycling master status.
This type was created in VisualAge.
Database is controller type of object for handling Record and Application objects and managing their lifecycle.
Enumeration for data types supported by DAL and this broker.
DefaultAlarmProcessor class.
DelayStateMachine class.
Device interface.
DeviceGroupApplication class.
DeviceTableApplication class.
Directory class.
DummyConnection class.
DummyConnector class.
DummyStateMachine class used for testing and simulation.
DummyAction specifies state machine dummy state.
EmbeddedApplicationServer class.
EnumToBitsProcessor class.
EnumValueProcessor class.
EPICSConnection class.
Implementation of EPICS plugin.
Makes one time asynchronous requests.
Convenience method for work with JCA and CAJ.
FeedbackLoopApplication class.
FeedbackLoopMicrotron class.
Value processor, which distributes value to provided forward PV links.
Value processor, which connects to provided remote names and captures their value.
This class listens to alarm events from input links (PVs) and converts them to alarm state of this record in following way: Sets record alarm state to highest alarm state of input links.
InterlockValueProcessor class.
Implementation of cycling application, which uses setPV and getPV to implement cycling
JCAMon class.
Value processor, which connects to provided remote names and captures their value.
ListManagementProcessor class.
Abstract ManagementProcessor class.
Value processor, which sets forward PVs to off/on, remembers of forward PV was OOn before switching on and keeps that state.
MemoryValueProcessor class.
Base interface for a sample's meta data.
MetaDataImpl is a default implementation of the MetaData interface, which receives all data through a constructor and returns it through the interface methods.
OnDemandValueProcessor class.
An interface which is asked each time new value is needed.
A StateMachine, which remembers last not Shutdown operation state and sets it when activated.
Interface implementing optimization procedure.
Optimization cycle state.
Orbit class stores particle orbit.
Enum defining orientation constants.
Enum defining statistics field constants.
OrbitCheckApplication class.
OrbitServerApplication class.
ORValueProcessor class.
Stores and restores state of Record or PersistentValueProcessor, which are registered.
Implemented by those ValueProcessors, which want to be restored to a previous state after server is restarted.
PingManagementProcessor class.
PolynomialTransformation class.
Functionality of polynomial transformation has been moved to LinkedValueProcessor and is further mentained there in superior form.
Poop is object, which combines deliverables from remotely connected object in one package.
PowerSupply class.
ProbePoint is used by optimization algorithm for probing best control points.
ProcessManagerApplication class.
State of process.
ProcessManagerGroupApplication class.
Process state
ProcessVariable4Record class.
PSPool class.
Proc record.
PSRampingTaskApplication class.
PSSwitchApplication class.
PVCache class.
Thread performing ramping procedure.
Record class.
Record class.
A remote exception.
An interface which describes a request.
Default implementation of request object.
This interface describes a response to a request.
A base class for events used in asynchronous mode notifications.
Default response implementation
Each object that implements the AsynchronousAccess interafce, must provide listener registration / deregistration methods for listeners of this type.
RunningAverageValueProcessor class.
Average calculator.
RunningCounterApplication calculates average of input value updates based on defined time window.
Calculates average and other statistics on predefine time window.
ScanApplication class.
Repeat instruction.
Runnable performing scan.
Interface that facilitates connection to undelaying services and context.
Start point instruction.
Semaphore is a processor which acts as remote process semaphore: it allows only one remote process ID to be registered as active.
This State Machine delegated too sequence of state machines..
Server class.
Server class.
ShutdownManagementProcessor class.
SimAlarmProcessor class.
Implementation of Device interface, which allows building custom device from channels.
A 1.4 file that provides utility methods for creating form- or grid-style layouts with SpringLayout.
Basic unit of automation control.
Operational state of this state machine.
StateWatchdogProcessor class.
Connection Status descriptor.
StatusCheckAlarmProcessor class.
StepOptimizationApplication class.
SteppingFeedbackLoopApplication class.
This class listens to alarm events from input links (PVs) and converts them to alarm state of this record in following way: Sets record alarm state to highest alarm state of input links.
SystemProcessWatchdogProcessor class.
Time class.
Counts time when control PV is on in seconds.
This is timestamp object with nanosecond resolution.
Date formatting constants.
TimeValueProcessor class.
This class holds DataBush constants.
UpdateRateProcessor class.
Checks values of PVs and returns tru or false if values match the criteria.
ValueDiffAlarmProcessor class.
This is wrapper around ValueLevelAlarmProcessor, it makes alarm and warning levels configurable trough PV records.
ValueLevelAlarmProcessor class.
ValueLinks class.
Holds value.
ValueProcessor interface.
A StateMachine, which is Activate, when certain value is reacched, or bz monitoring it or by setting it.
WaveformSumApplication class.
WigglerRampApplication class.