Class RunningCounterApplication.AverageCalculator

Enclosing class:

public static class RunningCounterApplication.AverageCalculator extends Object
Calculates average and other statistics on predefine time window.
  • Field Details

    • data

      Collected data.
    • size

      public int size
      number of data points.
    • avg

      public double avg
      Calculated average.
    • rms

      public double rms
      Calculated RMS
    • std

      public double std
      Calculated STD
    • interval

      public long interval
      Averaging interval.
    • span

      public long span
      Time span of data.
    • last

      public long last
      Last data timestamp.
  • Constructor Details

    • AverageCalculator

      public AverageCalculator()
  • Method Details

    • add

      public void add(ValueLinks.ValueHolder vh)
      Adds new value to the data pool.
      vh - value to be added
    • add

      public void add(double value, long timestamp)
      Adds new value to the data pool.
      value - value to be added
      timestamp - the timestamp of the value
    • addValid

      public boolean addValid(ValueLinks.ValueHolder vh, boolean strictAlarmFilter)
      Adds ValueHolder data to the data pool if meets criteria
      vh - the ValueHolder for which data is added
      strictAlarmFilter - if true it will accept only data if there is NO_ALARM status. If false then data is added unless it is INVALID alarm. This is useful, because for MINOR or MAJOR alarms the data is still valid.
      true if data has been added, otherwise false
    • addValid

      public boolean addValid(Record r, boolean strictAlarmFilter)
      Adds record data to the data pool if meets criteria
      r - the Record for which data is added
      strictAlarmFilter - if true it will accept only data if there is NO_ALARM status. If false then data is added unless it is INVALID alarm. This is useful, because for MINOR or MAJOR alarms the data is still valid.
      true if data has been added, otherwise false
    • trim

      public void trim()
      Trims data pool to the predefined time window.
    • update

      public void update()
      Updates the statistics from data pool.
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Clears the data pool.