Interface ResponseListener<C extends AbstractConnector<?>>

Type Parameters:
C - connector implementation
All Superinterfaces:

public interface ResponseListener<C extends AbstractConnector<?>> extends EventListener
Each object that implements the AsynchronousAccess interafce, must provide listener registration / deregistration methods for listeners of this type. Whenever an asynchronous method (set / get / actions etc) is invoked, a request object is issued as the return value of that method. Whenever a response is provided for that request by the underlying implementation, all response listeners are notified. If a listener is interested in the completion of a specific request, it must first enquire the event object to see if the event notification is being delivered for that specific request.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Event notification specifying that the request state has changed.
  • Method Details

    • responseReceived

      void responseReceived(ResponseEvent<C> event)
      Event notification specifying that the request state has changed. This happens in all cases where the request is modified by the underlying implementation. Examples are: the arrival of new response, timeout or error condition, successful completion of the request etc.
      event - the event carrying the new response and the request for which the notification is being delivered