Class ArrayBufferApplication

All Implemented Interfaces:
Application, OnDemandValueProcessor.ValueProvider

public class ArrayBufferApplication extends AbstractApplication
Stores last N values of array in ring-buffer kind of store. If trigger PV goes to 1, it locks itself, therfore state is frozen and no new updates are updating ring buffer. If reset PV goes to 1, it resets the loc and again accepts updates to the ring buffer.
  • Constructor Details

    • ArrayBufferApplication

      public ArrayBufferApplication()

      Constructor for ArrayBufferApplication.

  • Method Details

    • configure

      public void configure(String name, org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration config)
      Configures the internals of this application, provides reference to configuration with root inside applications tag. Server structure is not yet initialized, so does not have reference to Database, the Database reference will be available during activate call.
      Specified by:
      configure in interface Application
      configure in class AbstractApplication
      name - a String object
      config - configuration with room inside application tag.
    • notifyLinkChange

      protected void notifyLinkChange(String name)
      This method is called whenever record value changed for any record, which belongs to this application (it was added to the application AbstractApplication.addRecord(String, Record)). Implementation class should override this method to intercept the update.
      notifyLinkChange in class AbstractApplication
      name - the name of record, that triggered change.