ClassesClassDescriptionAbstractMagnetCalculator implements IMagnetCalculatorModel and extends its functionality.Class that give basic methodes implemented in all inherited class.DataPositionComparator is implementation of java.util.Comparator and it is used to compare its two arguments for order.It is used to order storage ring elements, as the beam sees them.They are ordered by the position of that elements.Simulates positions of beam in verical and horizontal plane at BPMonitors.DefaultBendingCalculator class.Sets models which calculations are used to calculate energy, field strength, atc.DefaultControlSystemEngine implements IControlSystemEngine and gives it some functionality.This is default implementation of ICurrentApplyModel.This is straightforward implementation of
.DefaultGenericMagnetCalculator is used to calculate currents from field strengths and vice versa.TheFileTokenizer
class takes an input stream and parses it into "tokens", allowing the tokens to be read one at a time.FrequencyBeamSimulator class.LinkedNode class.MADInterpreter has the same functionality as DefaultDBReader.Compares two optical elements and orders them by the position.Class PolynomialFunction represents polynomial function.It gives methods to create polynomial function and to calculate its values.PropertiesReader is used to read input files and return the ElementList of elements in storage ring.Class of useful methods, which are printing lists, matrices etc, that are in use in DataBush.