

OrbitCorrection server is based on Machine Physics calculation model written in Java. It uses linear beam optics to calculate necessary machine model parameters. It uses SVD to invert response matrix for orbit correction calculation.

OrbitCorrection server can work in "fast" mode in a way that tries to apply orbit correction as frequently as possible, wile doing reasonable compromise on precision. This enables OC to be run during energy ramping and during insertion device activation.

OrbitCorrection server runs embedded EPICS Application server, which exposes API to remote clients.

Server Runtime Bundle

At KARA facility OrbitCorrection Server is distributed and run within CS-Shell bundle.

Following is directory and file structure of the distribution bundle:

  • config - folder containing configuration files for application servers
    • - defines home and configuration folders for servers
    • - log4j configuration file
    • FastOC - contains configurations files for OrbitCorrectionServer instance, this particular is optimized for performing fast OC loop.
    • Databush - contains configurations files for core OrbitCorrectionServer machine physics model of accelerator, common to all OC server instances.
  • lib - contains libraries, tools and executables, such as Java JAR libraries files, JRE/JDK
  • log - contains log files
  • sh - contains Linux scripts for running servers, there are several OC ser er instances with own configuration

OrbitCorrection Remote API

The remote functionality of the OrbitCorretion Server is accessible in form of EPICS PV channels.

Different OC instances have different prefixes:

OC Instance PV Prefix Description
FastOC A:SR:OrbitCorrection:01: This instance of OrbitCorrection server is intended for daily use in operation, it is optimized for performing fast OC loop.
CustomOC A:SR:OrbitCorrection:02: This instance of OrbitCorrection server is intended for experienced operator to perform custom orbit corrections.
TestOC A:SR:OrbitCorrection:03: This instance of OrbitCorrection server is used for testing.

The PV suffixes are same for PV all that are listed below.

These PV strings are defined in class

Operation PVs

Operation PVs are used to run the OC server and monitor it's operation status.

PV Suffix Data Type Description
Cmd:StartSingleStep byte Command to execute one correction step in H and one in V plane.
Cmd:StartSingleLoop byte Command to execute correction steps in H and in V plane until correction improvements fall below threshold.
Cmd:StartContinuous byte Command to execute correction steps continuously until stop or abort or it is abnormally interrupted.
Cmd:CalcCorr byte Command to calculate correction, result is displayed but not applied.
Cmd:Stop byte Command to stop, it lets current step to finish.
Cmd:Abort byte Command to abort, it interrupts whatever OC is doing.
Cmd:Undo byte Command to undo last step.
Cmd:TestAll byte Command to test all connected elements if they are ready for operation.
Info:ID String ID string which identifies in semaphore which instance is accessing beam.
Status:AutoMode byte Status indicator, when 1 means that OC server is in continuous correction mode.
Status:ConfigRemote byte Status indicator, if 1 means that OC server is allowed to be configured remotely trough API. If 0, configuration PVs are only readable.
Status:Correcting byte Status indicator, when 1 means that OC server is actively correcting the orbit and changing corrector magnets. It is 0 when magnets are not being changed, also in continuous mode.
Status:ErrorSum byte Error summary bit.
Status:LinkError, Status:LinkError:String byte, String Error bit is 1 when connection to remote PV fails.
Status:Log String Status indicator which provides last log message.
Status:Message String Status indicator which provides string message to the status.
Status:State enum Status indicator which provides current status enum.

Configuration PVs

Configuration PVs are used to select correctors or BPMs and configure correction parameters.

PV Suffix Data Type Description
Cmd:BPMsH:SelectAll, Cmd:BPMsV:SelectAll, Cmd:BPMsH:SelectNone, Cmd:BPMsV:SelectNone byte Commands for selection of used BPM elements in H and V plane.
Cmd:CorrH:SelectAll, Cmd:CorrV:SelectAll, Cmd:CorrH:SelectNone, Cmd:CorrV:SelectNone byte Commands for selection of used Corrector magnet elements in H and V plane.
Control:BPMs:Names String array Configuration parameter with array of available BPM names.
Control:BPMs:Pos double array Position data of the BPMs.
Control:BPMsH:Sel, Control:BPMsV:Sel byte array Configuration parameter with array of bytes, where 0 or 1 indicates if corresponding element is selected for use.
Control:CorrH:Names, Control:CorrV:Names String array Configuration parameter with array of available Corrector names in H and V plane.
Control:CorrH:Sel, Control:CorrV:Sel byte array Configuration parameter with array of bytes, where 0 or 1 indicates if corresponding element is selected for use.
Control:CorrH:Pos, Control:CorrV:Pos double array Position data of correctors.
Control:CorrectH, Control:CorrectV byte Configuration parameter where 0 ore 1 tells OC to enable correction in H or V plane.
Control:MaxStepH, Control:MaxStepV double Configuration parameter which defines maximal allowed corrector change per one correction step in H or V plane. Calculated correction is applied in more steps, if correction values are higher than this.
Control:MinEigenvalH, Control:MinEigenvalV double Minimal allowed eigenvalue threshold to be used in correction.
Control:Optic:Names String array Configuration parameter with array of available optical element names.
Control:Optic:Pos double array Position data of optical elements.
Control:Scale double Configuration parameter which defines a scale factor for which calculated correction is reduced before applied. Scale 1.0 means there is no reduction. Value 0.5 is usually a good one.
Control:ModelH, Control:ModelV enum Configuration parameter with list of available correction methods, from user can select, in H or V plane.

Data Model PVs

Data model PVS shows results from linear optics and other calculations.

PV Suffix Data Type Description
Cmd:DumpData byte Dumps all available linear optics model and correction data to a file on server for debugging. Created file name is revealed in logs and status update.
Control:DataEnabled byte Enables (if 1) automatic debug data dump to a file for debugging each time new closed orbit calculation is available. Created file name is revealed in logs and status update.
Data:AlphaH, Data:AlphaV double Circular solution for Alpha, in H and V plane, same values as in QBAD.
Data:BetaH, Data:BetaV double Circular solution for Beta, in H and V plane, same values as in QBAD.
Data:Dispersion, Data:DispersionDP double Dispersion, d and dp, same values as in QBAD.
Data:EigenvalH, Data:EigenvalV double array Last calculated eigenvalues for all correctors. RF frequency generator my count as last corrector.
Data:EigenvalUsedH, Data:EigenvalUsedV int Number of used calculated eigenvectors in last correction.
Data:Energy double Energy in GeV as used in linear optics model. Depending on configuration uses own calibration method.
Data:QBAD double array Total Q (tune, H and V, [0][1]), circular solution Beta (H and V, [2][3]), circular solution Alpha (H and V, [4][5]) and Dispersion (d and dp, [6][7])
Data:TuneH, Data:TuneV double Tune, total Q, in H and V plane, same value as in QBAD.

Reference documentation

  • OrbitCorrection at KARA, IBPT presentation: OCinKARA.pdf
  • Orbit Correction with Frequency IN Java, PCAPAC2002 , TU-P13.pdf
  • Closed Orbit Correction Using Singular Value Decomposition of the Response Matrix, PAC1993, PAC1993_2263.PDF