
Server Modules

Below is list of server modules developed for FLUTE accelerator.


Record specific to FLUTE, a record provides single EPICS PV, can be configured and can connect to other PVs.

Records are implemented by org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.Record which uses an instance of org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.ValueProcessor to process values. Most value processor are inherited from org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.processor.MemoryValueProcessor.


JDoocsValueProcessor class, two directional gateway that translates JDOOCS control system remote property values to EPICS PV values. Connects to JDOCS remote channel and exports corresponding EPICS channel with configured PV. EPICS PV can be read-only or writable.

pENSHOST property value must be set either as system property on level of system environment or system properties in order to find JDOOCS values./p

Class: org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.jdoocs.JDoocsValueProcessor

Configuration Parameters

This record supports following parameters in addition to the parameters inherited from org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.processor.MemoryValueProcessor and org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.Record.

XML parameter Description Value Type Required Default value
<demo> Puts record in DEMo mode, no connections or calls are made to JDOOCS. boolean no false
<link> JDOOCS remote property name. JDOOCS link string yes none
<writable> Enables EPICS value to be sent to JDOOCS link. boolean no false

Example configuration

<server name="ModeMailTest">
  <group name="LLRF" path="F:RF:LLRF:02:">
    <group name="GUN" path="Gun:">
        <description>Output amplitude</description>
        <processor instance="org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.jdoocs.JDoocsValueProcessor">


ModeNotifyProcesssor forwards mail to predefined users when FLUTe mode is changed.

Status: ALPHA, not finished, not tested

Class: org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.processor.ModeNotifyProcesssor

Configuration Parameters

XML parameter Description Value Type Required Default value
<inputs><mode> PV name for operation mode record PV string yes none
<inputs><beamMode> PV name for beam mode record PV string yes none

Example configuration

<server name="ModeMailTest">
  <group name="ModeMail" path="F:TEST:Mail:">
      <processor instance="org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.processor.ModeNotifyProcesssor">


SWRValueProcessor calculates SWR ratio between forward and reflected power.

Class: org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.processor.SWRValueProcessor

Value Calculation

  if power:
              ( 1 + SQRT (reflected/forward) ) 
    result =  --------------------------------
              ( 1 - SQRT (reflected/forward) )
  if amplitude (not power):
              ( 1 + reflected/forward ) 
    result =  -------------------------
              ( 1 - reflected/forward )


  • if reflected or forward less then minValue, then result is invalid
  • if SQRT (reflected/forward) or ( 1 - SQRT (reflected/forward) ) or reflected/forward or ( 1 - reflected/forward ) is less then zeroValue, then result is invalid

After result has been found invalid, then for 10 seconds last good value is returned, if after this time result is still invalid, then invalid CA alarm is reported.

Configuration Parameters

XML parameter Description Value Type Required Default value
<fwdPV> PV name for forward power record PV string yes none
<refPV> PV name for reflected power record PV string yes none
<power> If true (default) then inputs are in power and SQRT is applied to ration, otherwise is amplitude and no SQRT. boolean no true
<minValue> minimal input value, when power is below this value, then returned value is marked as invalid. double no 0.01
<zeroValue> minimal value to be considered not zero, in formulas divisions it made only with values higher than this, if less, then returned value is marked as invalid. double no 0.0001

Example configuration

<server name="AppsDoocs">
  <group name="LLRF" path="F:RF:LLRF:02:">
      <processor instance="org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.processor.SWRValueProcessor">


Application module is more complex then Record. It is confibured trough XML, it can connect to several PVs to get data, it can provide several PVs as means of controlling the application or providing it's results.


ArrayDumpApplication monitors input PV array record, and dumps array values into file, if any value in array exceeds threshold value, configurable by PV.

Files are stored into directory provided with dataDir XML parameter and file names have prefix 'ArrayDump-'. When dataDir contains more generated files than maxFiles parameter specifies, oldest files are deleted until file number falls below max files limit.

Class: org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.ArrayDumpApplication

Configuration Parameters

XML parameter Description Value Type Required Default value
<input> PV name for input record, must be array record PV string yes none
<treshold> threshold value, above which array is dumped to file decimal no 1.0
<maxFiles> maximal number generated filed, old files are removed if exceeded. integer no 100
<dataDir> location of generated files. local dir, string yes none

Provided PVs

Application provides PVs with following suffixes:

PV Suffix Description Value Type
:Peak peak value of last received array decimal
:Treshold threshold value for array, array is dumped to file if exceeded. decimal
:PV String with PV name of input record. string
:Dir Directory to which array dump files are saved. string

Example configuration

<server name="Aux">
  <group name="Global Misc" path="F:GL:">
    <group name="array_templ" template="true">
      <application instance="org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.ArrayDumpApplication">


BeamDumpApplication stores image (of a beam) into files on drive on event from tirgger PV called drops.

Image is stored as an array, additionally there is information of timestamp and of width and height of image.

Files are stored into directory provided with dataDir XML parameter and file names have prefix 'BeamDump-'. When dataDir contains more generated files than maxFiles parameter specifies, oldest files are deleted until file number falls below max files limit.

Class: org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.BeamDumpApplication

Configuration Parameters

XML parameter Description Value Type Required Default value
<dropsPV> PV name for trigger record, triggers image dump PV string yes none
<imageHeightPV> PV name for record with image height PV string yes none
<imageWidthPV> PV name for record with image width PV string yes none
<imagePV> PV name for record with array containing image PV string yes none
<maxFiles> maximal number generated filed, old files are removed if exceeded. integer no 100
<dataDir> location of generated files. local dir, string yes none

Provided PVs

Application provides PVs with following suffixes:

PV Suffix Description Value Type
:Enabled enables/disables the application 0,1 as byte
:Last:Image last saved image. pixels as integer array
:Last:Time last saved image timestamp. UTC as long
:Last:Time:Str last saved image timestamp as human friendly string. Formatted ISO date-time, such as '2011-12-03T10:15:30'. string
:Dir Directory to which array dump files are saved. string

Example configuration

<server name="Aux">
  <group name="Global Misc" path="F:GL:">
    <application instance="org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.BeamDumpApplication">


BeamScanApplication scans the beam with four control values: power, phase, solenoid magnet and bending magnet. It records beam position and shape and filters and averages the beam values. Values with Q below configured threshold are discarded.

Four parameters, which are beeing scannes: Power, Phase, Solenoid, Bend, have own set of scan properties and control PVs, which are being provided by org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.ScanApplication, that is embedded in this application.

Class: org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.BeamScanApplication

Configuration Parameters

XML parameter Description Value Type Required Default value
<Power><precision>, <Phase><precision>, <Solenoid><precision>, <Bend><precision> precision for 4 scan modules, determines when scan value is close enough to target value. double no 0.000001
<Power><setpointPV>, <Phase><setpointPV>, <Solenoid><setpointPV>, <Bend><setpointPV> PV name for corresponding record that is being scanned. PV string yes none
<Power><setpointCmdPV>, <Phase><setpointCmdPV>, <Solenoid><setpointCmdPV>, <Bend><setpointCmdPV> PV name for record that is necessary to be set after scan value has been set. Some devices need to apply value after has been set, optional depending on device. PV string no none
<beamSpotPv> PV for beam spot measurement device, expected device and format is org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.BeamSpotApplication PV device prefix string yes F:GL:BeamSpot:01
<measurementWait> wait time between beam measurements. ms as long no 10000

Provided PVs

Application provides PVs with following suffixes:

PV Suffix Description Value Type
:Power:..., :Phase:..., :Solenoid:..., :Bend:... Access to embedded scanning tools PVs is provided by org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.ScanApplication. double
:Cmd:Start Starts scanning task. Setting 1 triggers command. byte, 1 triggers command
:Cmd:Stop Stops scanning task. byte, 1 triggers command
:Meas:Last Last beam measurement. Array with measurements
:Meas:Peak Beam measurement at peak beam, that is largest beam area. Array with measurements
:Status Scanning status. Enum with states: READY, SCANNING, ERROR
:Status:Progress Scanning progress % as double
:Status:Remaining Estimated remaining time of scan human friendly time format as string
:Status:Scanning Boolean flag indicating scanning in progress. 0,1 as byte
:Wait wait time between beam measurements 0 to 1000 s as double

Example configuration

<server name="Aux">
  <group name="BeamScan" path="F:GL:BeamScan:">
    <application instance="org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.BeamScanApplication">


BeamSpotApplication connects server with direct beam parameters, then filters and averages them and provides summary data. Measurements with Q below threshold are discarded as unreliable.

Class: org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.BeamSpotApplication

Configuration Parameters

XML parameter Description Value Type Required Default value
<count> number of measurements to be taken into averaging. integer yes 1
<findBeamPv> PV for automatic beam recognition by frame grabber. PV string yes F:GL:Python:01:DiagCam:Do_ROI
<inputPvs><chi2_h> input PV for chi square in H PV string yes none
<inputPvs><chi2_v> input PV for chi square in V PV string yes none
<inputPvs><fwhm_h> input PV for FWHM in H PV string yes none
<inputPvs><fwhm_v> input PV for FWHM in V PV string yes none
<inputPvs><pos_h> input PV for position in H PV string yes none
<inputPvs><pos_v> input PV for position in V PV string yes none
<inputPvs><size_h> input PV for size in H PV string yes none
<inputPvs><size_v> input PV for size in V PV string yes none
<laserSwitchPv> PV for switching on/off the laser. PV string yes F:LAS:Timing:01:PulsePicker:Enabled
<range><area> limit for acceptable beam spot area size. double yes 0.1
<range><center> limit for acceptable position range center. double yes 0.1
<range><chi2_min> lower limit for acceptable Chi square. double yes 0.0
<range><chi2_max> upper limit for acceptable Chi square. double yes 1.0
<range><deviation> limit for acceptable averaging deviation. double yes 0.1
<range><h_min> lower limit for acceptable position range in H. double yes -8.0
<range><h_max> upper limit for acceptable position range in H. double yes 8.0
<range><v_min> lower limit for acceptable position range in V. double yes -8.0
<range><v_max> upper limit for acceptable position range in V. double yes 8.0
<takeBackgroundPv> PV for taking fresh screen background for background substractions. PV string yes F:GL:Python:01:DiagCam:Take_New_BG
<takeBackgroundBusyPv> PV for signal notifying frame grabber is bussy with backgroudn measurement. PV string yes F:GL:Python:01:DiagCam:BG_proc
<time_window> only calculate averages, if timestamps of received values are within this time window ms as long yes 500

Provided PVs

Application provides PVs with following suffixes:

PV Suffix Description Value Type
:Area Averaged beam spot area. mm^2 as double
:Area:Min minimal beam spot area out of averaged. mm^2 as double
:Area:Std STD for beam spot area. mm^2 as double
:Count Averaging count. double
:Chi2:H Maximal Chi square in horizontal. double
:Chi2:V Maximal Chi square in vertical. double
:Cmd:BgTake Command to take beam background measurement. 1 triggers command
:Data Array with combined essential data. see @link BeamSpotData for field descriptions array
:Deviation Deviation of averages. double
:Fwhm:H Averaged FWHM square in horizontal. double
:Fwhm:V Averaged FWHM square in vertical. double
:Pos:H Averaged position in horizontal. mm as double
:Pos:H:Std STD for horizontal position. mm as double
:Pos:V Averaged position vertical. mm as double
:Pos:V:Std STD for vertical position. mm as double
:Range:Area limit for acceptable beam spot area size. mm^2 as double
:Range:Center limit for acceptable position range center. mm as double
:Range:Deviation limit for acceptable averaging deviation. double
:Range:Hor:Min lower limit for acceptable position range in H. mm as double
:Range:Hor:Max upper limit for acceptable position range in H. mm as double
:Range:Ver:Min lower limit for acceptable position range in V. mm as double
:Range:Ver:Max upper limit for acceptable position range in V. mm as double
:Range:Chi2:Min lower limit for acceptable Chi square. double
:Range:Chi2:Max upper limit for acceptable Chi square. double
:Size:H Averaged size in horizontal. mm as double
:Size:H:Std STD for horizontal size. mm as double
:Size:V Averaged size in vertical. mm as double
:Size:V:Std STD for vertical size. mm as double
:Status:BgBusy Busy taking background measurement. status bit as byte
:Status:Centred Beam position centred on 0. status bit as byte
:Status:FitGood Beam gauss fit chi square below threshold. status bit as byte
:Status:InRange Beam position within range window. status bit as byte
:Status:Small Beam area below threshold. status bit as byte
:Status:Stable Beam position reading stable. status bit as byte
:Status:Valid Beam position valid. status bit as byte

Example configuration

<server name="Main">
  <group name="BeamSpot" path="F:GL:BeamSpot:">
    <application instance="org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.BeamSpotApplication">




EmittanceScanApplication scans the quadruple magnet, measures beam size and then calculates emittance.

Scan of quadruple magnet is done in server, measurements are passed to Python script and then presented back trough server to GUI.

Measurements are stored on server computer in folder provided trough configuration, usual value is /home/fluteop/smbshare/Controlsystem/EmittanceScan/data.

Class: org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.EmittanceScanApplication

Configuration Parameters

XML parameter Description Value Type Required Default value
<beamSpotPv> PV for beam spot measurement device, expected device and format is org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.BeamSpotApplication PV device prefix string yes F:GL:BeamSpot:01
<dataDir> Directory where measurements are stored. directory path string yes <confih home>/data
<enableBackgroundPv> Enables/disables background substraction. PV string yes F:GL:Python:01:DiagCam:Subt_BG
<laserSwitchPv> Laser switching On/Off. PV string yes F:LAS:Timing:01:PulsePicker:Enabled
<measurementWait> wait time between beam measurements. ms as long no 10000
<pythonDir> Directory where Python scripts are stored. directory path string yes <confih home>/Python
<pythonScript> Python scripts file name, located in Python directory. file name yes
<Quad><precision> precision for scan module, determines when scan value is close enough to target value. double no 0.000001
<Quad><setpointPV> PV name for corresponding record that is being scanned. PV string yes none
<screenSwitchPv> PV for flourecent screen switching control. PV string yes F:GL:Python:01:DiagCam:Camera
<takeBackgroundBusyPv> Video server is bussy taking background image. PV string yes F:GL:BeamSpot:01:Status:BgBusy
<takeBackgroundPv> Takes background image for background substraction. PV string yes F:GL:BeamSpot:01:Cmd:BgTake

Provided PVs

Application provides PVs with following suffixes:

PV Suffix Description Value Type
:Cmd:Start Starts scanning task. Setting 1 triggers command. byte, 1 triggers command
:Cmd:Stop Stops scanning task. byte, 1 triggers command
:Emittance:H Emittance calculation result, horizontal. double, mm×mrad
:Emittance:H:Std Emittance calculation result, horizontal STD. double, mm×mrad
:Emittance:V Emittance calculation result, vertical. double, mm×mrad
:Emittance:V:Std Emittance calculation result, vertical STD. double, mm×mrad
:Energy Manual input for beam energy in MeV, used in emittance calculation. double, MeV
:Meas:Last Last beam measurement. Array with measurements
:Meas:Table Beam measurement as data table. String table with measurements
:Opt:EnableBg Enables background substractions option. byte
:Opt:LaserOff Switches laser off at the end option. byte
:Opt:LaserOn Switches laser on at the start option. byte
:Opt:Repeat How many repeats option. int
:Opt:TakeBg Takes new background each measurement option. byte
:Opt:ValidOnly Accept only valid measurements byte
:Quad:... Access to embedded scanning tools PVs is provided by org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.ScanApplication.
:Status Scanning status. Enum with states: READY, SETTING_BEND, SCANNING, PAUSED, ERROR
:Status:DataFile File name on server with measurements. file name as string
:Status:Progress Scanning progress % as double
:Status:Remaining Estimated remaining time of scan human friendly time format as string
:Status:Remaining:ms Estimated remaining time of scan milliseconds as long
:Status:Repeat Current repeat count int
:Status:Scanning Boolean flag indicating scanning in progress. 0,1 as byte
:Wait wait time between beam measurements 0 to 1000 s as double

Example configuration

<server name="Aux">
    <group name="EmittanceScan" path="F:GL:EmittanceScan:">
      <application instance="org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.EmittanceScanApplication">








ICTApplication converts charge readout from ADC (BCM - Beam Charge Monitor pickup) to beam charge value.

Class: org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.ICTApplication

Value Calculation

  Q =  Qcal * 10 ^ ( BCM / Ucal)

Where: Qcal and Ucal are BCM calibration parameters.

Configuration Parameters

XML parameter Description Value Type Required Default value
<qcal> Qcal calibration factor double yes 0.0
<ucal> Ucal calibration factor double yes 0.0
<input> PV name for BCM readout PV string yes none

Provided PVs

Application provides PVs with following suffixes:

PV Suffix Description Value Type
:Bcm Forwards value from BCM input PV. double
:Q ICT charge value double, pC

Example configuration

<server name="AppsAux">
  <group name="ICT" path="F:INJ-1:ICT:">
    <application instance="org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.ICTApplication">






PhaseScanApplication scans LLRF Gun Phase and records ICT response.

Then searches for three reference points (or breakpoint):

  • first high point (local maximum), then
  • low point (local minimum), then
  • second high point (absolute maximum).

First reference point provides calculation reference for four workpoints:

  • Q max
  • Q / A max
  • p max
  • sigma min

Class: org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.PhaseScanApplication

Configuration Parameters

XML parameter Description Value Type Required Default value
<dataDir> location of generated files. local dir, string yes none
<ictPV> PV for ICT measurement PV string yes F:INJ-1:ICT:01:Q
<measurementWait> wait time between beam measurements. ms as long no 10000
<Phase><precision> precision for 4 scan modules, determines when scan value is close enough to target value. double no 0.000001
<Phase><setpointPV> PV name for corresponding record that is being scanned. PV string yes none
<Phase><setpointCmdPV> PV name for record that is necessary to be set after scan value has been set. Some devices need to apply value after has been set, optional depending on device. PV string no none

Provided PVs

Application provides PVs with following suffixes:

PV Suffix Description Value Type
:Phase:... Access to embedded scanning tools PVs is provided by org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.ScanApplication. double
:Cmd:Calc Prepared measurements, then calculates reference points and work points. byte, 1 triggers command
:Cmd:Start Starts scanning task. Setting 1 triggers command. byte, 1 triggers command
:Cmd:Stop Stops scanning task. byte, 1 triggers command
:Data:Breakpoints Phase value at reference points (breakpoints: local high, low, abs. high) as result of breakpoint finding algorithm. array of 3 doubles
:Data:Breakpoints:ICT ICT value at reference points, corresponding to 3 :Data:Breakpoints points. Useful for chart presentation. array of 3 doubles
:Data:ICT ICT value measurements after smoothing filter. array of doubles
:Data:Workpoints Phase value at workpoints (Q max, Q / A max, p max, sigma min) as result of calculation. array of 4 doubles
:Data:Pmax Phase value at p max workpoint, as in :Data:Workpoints. double
:Data:Qmax Phase value at Q max workpoint, as in :Data:Workpoints. double
:Data:QAmax Phase value at Q / A max workpoint, as in :Data:Workpoints. double
:Data:Smin Phase value at sigma min workpoint, as in :Data:Workpoints. double
:Data:Workpoints:ICT ICT value at workpoints, corresponding to 4 :Data:Workpoints points. Useful for chart presentation. array of 4 doubles
:Meas:ICT ICT value measurements. array of doubles
:Meas:Phase Phase value measurements. array of doubles
:Status Scanning status. Enum with states: READY, SCANNING, ERROR
:Status:Progress Scanning progress % as double
:Status:Remaining Estimated remaining time of scan human friendly time format as string
:Status:Remaining:ms Estimated remaining time of scan in milliseconds long, in milliseconds
:Status:Scanning Boolean flag indicating scanning in progress. 0,1 as byte
:Opt:Collapse Enables averaging of ICT values for same Phase value. 0,1 as byte
:Opt:Samples Enables smoothing ICT measurement curve by averaging ICS measurements over this count of neighbor points, reduces statistical fluctuation. 0,1 as byte
:Opt:Wait wait before each measurement, in seconds double, in seconds

Example configuration

<server name="Main">
  <group name="PhaseScan" path="F:GL:PhaseScan:">
    <application instance="org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.PhaseScanApplication">


PowerControlApplication controls power output of LLRF DOOCS module from DESY. It wraps raw power control and provides following functionality:

  • Last set power is stored and used when switches on.
  • Power is set only when switched on.
  • Power can be increased only when there is no active VSWR lock.
  • Setting power up ramps power. Setting power down goes in one step directly.
  • Switching off sets raw power output to 0.0 but keeps last setpoint reference.
  • Switching on ramps raw power output to the last setpoint reference.

In addition it monitors two VSWR PVs and if any of these exceeds limit value, power is switched off.

Class: org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.PowerControlApplication

Configuration Parameters

XML parameter Description Value Type Required Default value
<swrWGPV> PV name for WaveGuide VSWR calculation PV string yes none
<swrKlyPV> PV name for Klystron VSWR calculation PV string yes none
<powerPV> PV name for raw DOOCS Power control PV string yes none

Provided PVs

Application provides PVs with following suffixes:

PV Suffix Description Value Type
:Cmd:Off Command switching off. byte, 1 triggers command
:Cmd:On Command switching on. byte, 1 triggers command
:OffOn Status and command, switches off or on. 0 or 1, byte
:OffOn:Direct Status and command, switches off or on, bypasses upword power ramp and sets directy. 0 or 1, byte
:Set Intended Power setpoint, it is preserved when switched off. decimal
:Set:Get Power setpoint readback, actual output setpoint, goes to 0 when switched off. decimal
:Set:Sync Copies setpoint readback to setpoint. byte, 1 triggers command
:Set:Diff 1 if setpoint and setpoint readback differ. byte, 0 or 1
:Status:Locked Locked status, bum of both locks. byte, 0 or 1
:Status:Kly:Locked Klystron locked status. byte, 0 or 1
:Status:WG:Locked WaveGuide locked status. byte, 0 or 1
:Status:On On status, 1 if on. byte, 0 or 1
:Status:Scanning Power is being ramped up. byte, 0 or 1
:SWR:WG Provides copy WaveGuide SWR PV value. decimal
:SWR:WG Provides copy Klystron SWR PV value. decimal
:SWR:WG:Limit VSWG value limit, locks controller if VSWR is higher. string
:SWR:Kly:Limit VSWG value limit, locks controller if VSWR is higher. string

Example configuration

<server name="AppsDoocs">
  <group name="LLRF" path="F:RF:LLRF:02:">
    <group name="GUN" path="Gun:">
      <application instance="org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.application.PowerControlApplication">












