Package org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.jdoocs
package org.scictrl.csshell.epics.server.jdoocs
ClassesClassDescriptionDeprecated.NOT IN USE, was part of specific LLRF1 routine, not in use since LRF1 does not exist any more.JDoocsValueProcessor class, two directional gateway that translates JDOOCS control system remote property values to EPICS PV values.Deprecated.NOT IN USE, was part of specific LLRF1 routine, not in use since LRF1 does not exist any more.Deprecated.NOT IN USE, was part of specific LLRF1 routine, not in use since LRF1 does not exist any more.Deprecated.NOT IN USE, was part of specific LLRF1 routine, not in use since LRF1 does not exist any more.